
From Foo "Raspberry" Barz

Images which I created through MikuMikuDance.

  • Perhaps you've noticed that the filenames of some documents don't match the publication time of the identifiers.
    • Normally I would use the time I saved the file as the filename, however I don't always post it at once.
    • For works that were once offered as part of a member's benefit of early access, here's a list of when they were publicly accessible.
  • The images used (or not used) in the games I've published aren't included here, so head over to the corresponding game's page for details. (But currently those pages have not yet been written ......)
  • For reasons of speed of access and storage space, the files here are compressed, while you can go to my Patreon page to get the high-quality version that is included in the member benefits.

Legacy (Some no effect versions)

My early stage works of MikuMikuDance, While I hadn't learned how to use MikuMikuEffect yet.


Later works which I started to use MikuMikuEffect for more effect than change character's scale.

  • This page includes my earlier works before these.


This year I am actively on my game project, so the number of pictures here will seem a bit low.

  • This page includes my earlier works before these.


This year I am actively on my game project, so the number of pictures here will seem a bit low.

  • This page includes my earlier works before these.


Debut of Raspberry Fox and Amasode Rin Chan~

  • This page includes my earlier works before these.


This year I started using a few tricks to make panoramic images, and so added a number of versions with slight differences (and total file sizes).

  • This page includes my earlier works before these.