Foo:Main Page

From Foo "Raspberry" Barz
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This page contains changes which are not marked for translation.
Other languages:
  • English

(defun Foo (quote ((Babel 'Chinese' 'English:2' 'Japanese:1'), '#SizeTwitter', 'Rin Chan Now!', 'To be continued.' )))

(That's OK if you have no experience of Lisp. It describes Foo speaks Chinese natively and has intermediate level of English , basic level of Japanese since I am just started learning them.)

Howdy 🙂 Here is Foo.

At this moment my characteric is borrowed from Kagamine Rin Raspberry Fox (This is offical translation about "蘇芳 妖狐 / Suo Yoko"), Maybe there will be new original character designs sometime in the future?

Howdy, here is Foo. Or "[Foo]Barz076" in the need to avoid confusion. While I am learning about creating giant girls portfolio illustrations and games to share my hobbies and favourite characters to other friends. >_< Now I have a nearly finished game and another working one, occasionally creating images of other themes.

Through English is not my primary language, I still hope to meet more friends crossing this world :-)

Quick Preview about Foo

  • Full name is “Foobarz076” , it is combined with Foo/Bar/Baz (Commonly variable in programming, refer RFC3092 for more information :-) and part of typing “horo” on 9-key keyboards ( 7-R, 6-O).
  • Chaotic Good in Dungeons and Dragons alignments.
  • Mid-level rhythm action game player.
    • Currently playing CHUNITHM a lot .
  • Loving Kagamine Rin so much. Current avatar is referenced from Suo Yoko (Raspberry Fox), a module in Project DIVA Series designed by Hiro.
  • Size fetish work’s creator. Mostly about gentle interactions between giant girls and normally humans. Sometimes translating other’s works,
    • Making games with RPG Maker series now.
  • Hosting some privacy frontends under domain
  • Building a community named “Village Kitsunes” (狐狸村), while it is focusing on Chinese users for now.

Original Game Works


Other languages:
  • English

Friendly reminder: I am no longer active in maintaining this game.

It's my first personal RPG Maker MV project about a random story.

With some minor reworks such as Chinese translation and progresses.

There may be some grammar/spelling errors since I am not a native English speaker. Feel free to send me corrections or suggestions!

Encountering Bugs? You can ask me without hesitation if you have the save directory available. You may get it through my page:

Great Rin Chan's World Advantures

Well, it is that game I was shared one year ago behind "Project Untitled", and I picked it up again after I had been busy with other things for a while in the middle, and thought of the name halfway through . 😂

The story opens with Rin being much higher than all around her leaving her hometown for an adventure with her best friend Kagura because of a coincidence. Although the opening is somewhat old-fashioned, it can also be said to be similar to my last work well. (You can even see the same scenes and dialogue as in the previous work 😂)

The current route is basically a relatively gentle, perhaps because I am a little chaotic good tendencies, or I do not know how to do like blood and rubble and other cruel scenes.

All my current Patreon pledger and new pledger with 8$ and more can get early access builds, with decrypted assets, higher resolution of images and optional build with testing features enabled.

Feel free to come and talk to me on Discord or elsewhere if you have suggestions or return questions.

You may get it through my page:

Translate Game Works

Purdas Together

(Screenshot is from Ultra Gamer 9999's playthrouth video at YouTube:

PurdasTogether is an adventure RPG which introduced a typical tale of a brave man from another world. (Really?)

You may get it at my Google Drive: , remember referencing my readme for more details.


(Screenshot is from flan's playthrouth video at YouTube:

Originaly published by @Parabot310/Paradoxyia ( , SatoriSimulator is a really old but great playable giantess game which you play as Satori to make a big mess in the another little world. (Through last update shown an incomplete route of gentle choices.) While it may inspired Forbidden Play (Created by @nukochigura and me :-)

By some coincidence I try to reimplement it under latest RPG Maker version, and provide basically English translation possible. Still hope you keep tuned too.

You may get it through my page:

Illustration Works

  • I started create images at late 2017 with Garry's Mod, and switched to MikuMikuDance afterwards.
  • Here will show some key images in slideshow, you may click title link and naviagte to relevant subpages for details.
  • More images are available on Special:MyLanguage/Foo:Works/Images .

External Links